Random Walk


This is a drawing of a random walk

What is a random walk?

A random walk is like when you go for a walk in the park but not really sure where you are going like when you are chasing butterflies or bees or ladybugs

Ahh mkay but I just see a bunch of lines that look like when I'm bored and start doodling in my notebook

Yeah it is something like
Picking up a pen and start drawing a little line with your eyes closed
Then stopping
Then start drawing another line from there
Then stopping again
Then start drawing another line
Then doing the same thing again and again
Ten thousand times
And finally opening your eyes and seeing what you drew

Ten thousand lines?
You drew ten thousand lines one by one?
That sound really boring why would you do that?
I prefer to go look at things at the park
Or read a book
Or talk to my friends on the Tin Can phone

But you know you can get computers to do it for you?
I'll show you a trick you ready?

Click on the image above

And you'll see a unique new drawing made by the computer

WOW that's cool
Can I do it again?

Yeah as many times as you like

Ahh I see
Each one is different
How does the computer do that?
Can the computer chase butterflies too?

Let's go to the park

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